November Currently

Oh, bless it. I just am not good at keeping up with this blog, am I? Ha! Oh, well. Here's this month's currently from Oh' Boy 4th Grade!

Listening: This is my current situation right now...

The struggle is real, people. The only reason I don't have more to cut out is that I ran out of laminating sheets. (Not only that, but my grade level buddy texted me two seconds after the last thing went through the laminator to ask if I had some she could borrow. Pretty sure we are keeping the Amazon suppliers competitive when it comes to these laminating sheets! I go through soooo much!) I just uploaded a brand new set of November math centers to my TpT store and now I want to prep them all so I have my centers set for the month. Oh, the life of a teacher! (Random side note: I used to think it was SO COOL to watch my teachers cut out laminated stuff. I was amazed when I was little how they could take the scissors and slide it through the lamination like magic without even cutting. The awe has definitely worn off over the years, LOL!)

Everything else is self-explanatory...except the NEEDING! I am going to Cali this week for a conference and I am sooooo excited! At least when I'm not stressing over a thousand details (sub plans, packing, leaving the house in order-yikes!) I am excited. I am going to Costa Mesa for the Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers conference-I hope it's a blast!

So that's my November Currently. I am really going to try to do a better job of updating, but I keep saying that...maybe I need to resign myself to the fact that I am a lazy blogger!