December 2018: Holidays in the Classroom (including a subtraction freebie)

Stopping by today to drop some pictures of what we are up to this month! With Thanksgiving being so early this year, it seems like we have a lot of time before the next break. Here's how we've been spending our time lately...

1.) This week we started some holiday-themed writing with a candy cane project. On Monday the kids got to sample a candy cane with their 5 senses (this was a BIG hit!) and then we brainstormed words that described our candy canes. I projected the graphic organizer on my panel and recorded students' responses...then they filled in their own graphic organizers with words of their choice.

Then they spent some time drafting their "sloppy copies" using their graphic organizers to help. Last, we edited to make sure the sentences were perfect and rewrote it as a final draft. As a finishing touch, they made a simple candy cane page topper for the top. These are now outside my door...December decorations DONE!

You can find the candy cane craftivity in my TPT store!

2.) Next week we are gearing up to embark on our Christmas Around The World unit. This is one of my FAVORITE units to teach all year! I've been doing it for years! This year I spent some time over Thanksgiving Break completely updating all of the files with new informational texts and clip art. I am so thrilled with how they turned out! This weekend I will be prepping the mini-books...probably while watching a holiday movie.

The way my team has done it the last few years is to present the informational text in whole group reading and talk about key details. In the past we've used the student minibooks plus the big teacher sized version. This year, I added informational fact posters to project with real photographs so that the students can get a good idea of what some of the traditions, foods, and places look like in real life:

I am SO EXCITED about using these! I think they turned out bright and eye-catching.

During the work session, the kids will write down some of the facts that they learned...and during writer's workshop they will put their finishing touches on informational pieces about each country.

I haven't decided yet whether we are going to make the suitcases that I've made in years past. They are a great project, but we will be short on time the last week due to all of the holiday festivities going on at school! This is what they look like on the inside once they're completed...

They are so cute...I may have to try to squeeze them in! We'll see! At the very least the kids will have a nice writing project to take home.

The Christmas Around The World pack is in my store...if you've purchased it before, go download all the new goodies! Click any of the pictures or the cover below!

3.) I've been trying to incorporate the holiday spirit into math, even though that's a little harder...we've been plugging away at subtraction for the last little while. This year my class has been sluggish to catch on but I think we finally made some breakthroughs this week! I created a few holiday resources to supplement what we've got and I uploaded them as a freebie on TPT. There's a cute math station where the students use pictures to solve...

And a story problems booklet + a couple of easy worksheets.

Click any of the pictures or click here to snag the freebie!

4.) Ornament-palooza....this week sometime I have GOT to have my kids make some ornaments! We usually do the cinnamon gingerbread ornaments that I've blogged about before, but I am thinking about doing something simpler this year...possibly a Popsicle stick ornament and a snow globe ornament. I will post pictures of what we decide to do! I wasn't going to go out today-the weather is cold and yucky today, plus I could really use a day of house cleaning!-but Michael's sent me a $20 off a $50 purchase coupon that I feel compelled to go spend.

Happy Holidays!